S7 E14 CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL: Wham! Bam! Grand Slam Poet

Christopher Michael is an international literary artist and nationally ranked slam poet that uses poetry to address mental health, relationship accountability, and Black American history. Michael is the founder of 310 Brown Street Publishing that aims to make poets immortal.

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S7 E8 OKOROE "OKCELLO" JOHNSON: Chillest of the Cellists

Okoroe "OKCELLO" Johnson is an Atlanta based cellist-songwriter, looper, musical improviser, and storyteller whose work centers on themes and expressions of the African Diaspora while also exploring musical prayer.

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S7 E5 LAURIE BERKNER: Kindie Music Maven

Laurie Berkner is a singer, songwriter, lyricist, author, and founder of Two Tomatoes Records. Laurie has 15 award-winning albums, more than 1 billion total streams, and nearly 450 million YouTube channel views. She has graced the boards of Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, and the White House.

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