Kira is an animation supervisor who joined Walt Disney Animation Studios in 2007 as an animation trainee in the talent development program. She’s contributed to a host of Disney Animation titles, including Oscar® winners Zootopia, Paperman and Frozen, plus Bolt, Tangled, Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice, Tangled Ever After and Wreck-It Ralph, as well as Ralph Breaks the Internet and Encanto, on which she was Head of Animation. Previously, Lehtomaki served as a junior animator on Alvin & the Chipmunks at Rhythm & Hues. At age 3, Lehtomaki saw Sleeping Beauty for the first time; she was mesmerized by the sequence of Briar Rose in the forest. By age 5, she knew she wanted to be a “drawer” for Disney. In addition to completing Animation Mentor’s online character animation program, she attended the University of Washington, majoring in computer science, and took part in the Disneyland Resort College Program.